Design Guide for the Polycom SoundStructure C16, C12, C8, and SR12
A - 90
fb_filter_reset Reset One Of The Feedback Reduction Filters
Setting this parameter resets the specified filter in the feedback reduction
algorithm. Redpoint will likely set this parameter for filters it has converted to
fixed parametric EQ filters.
fb_filter_max_depth Maximum Filter Depth For Feedback Reduction Filters
This parameter sets the maximum attenuation (in dB) that can be applied for
any feedback reduction filter.
Argument Argument value
Channel Type Virtual Channel
Value Type Void
Read/Write Mode Write-Only
Phys Chans Conferencing Mic/Line Input, Sound Reinforcement Mic/Line
Virt Chans Mono, Stereo
Indices 1-10 : Filter number
Argument Argument value
Channel Type Virtual Channel
Value Type Floating-Point
Read/Write Mode Read/Write
Phys Chans Conferencing Mic/Line Input, Sound Reinforcement Mic/Line
Virt Chans Mono, Stereo
System Limits Minimum: -100.0, Maximum: 0.0, Resolution: 0.1
Default -15.0
User Limits