
Wood Stud Installation

Prior to installation, the two (2) M6 x 75mm Phillips head locking screws must be removed. These two screws are located on the bottom of the LPFM1532.

Visual Centering Diamond - The visual centering diamond will allow you to determine the center of the wood stud. It will also allow you to determine the exact center for the flat panel placement on the wall. The visual centering diamond will work in conjunction with the visual stud guide.

Visual Stud Guide - The visual stud guide will allow you to determine exactly where both edges of the wood stud is within the wall. Once both edges of the wood stud have been located, the visual centering diamond will be directly over the exact center of the wood stud. Once the plate is in this position, the two mounting holes may be marked.

Directional Arrow

Visual Centering Diamond

Visual Stud Guide

Step 1. Place the wall plate against the wall with the directional arrow pointing up.

Step 2. Use a pencil to make a mark in the center of the visual centering diamond. This will be the center position of the flat panel.





Center Line

Step 3. Use an electronic studfinder to locate the stud.

Step 4. Align the plate to the stud and visually verify the flat panel placement now that the stud has been located.

Step 5. Once the center of the stud has been located, mark the wall at the two (2) screw hole locations.

Step 6. Use a 1/8” bit and create pilot holes where the 2 markings were made.


Visual Stud Guide

1/8” Bit

#10 x 2” Screws


Pilot Hole




Step 7. Insert two (2) #10 X 2” screws into the pre-drllied pilot holes.

Step 8. Tighten the wall plate screws at this time.

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Installation Instructions

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Premier Mounts LPFM1532 installation instructions Wood Stud Installation