PrimaLuna® ProLogue Five
We would like to thank you for choosing our PrimaLuna ProLogue Five vacuum tube power amplifier as part of your music system. The ProLogue Five is the second tube power amplifier of our family of affordable,
We firmly believe that our quality level will be a difficult standard for other products in the market to match.
This PrimaLuna ProLogue power amp features:
•A heavy gauge steel, fully vented chassis with five coats of finish. Each coat is
•Premium parts: toroidal transformer for power supply; custom designed
•SoftStart™ circuit for extended life of sensitive components, plus a reduced chance of tube failure from thermal shock.
•Adaptive AutoBias™ exclusive to PrimaLuna, this circuit monitors and smoothly adjusts bias constantly and instantly, reducing maintenance and increasing performance due to the dramatic reduction in distortion.
•Tube plate fuse to protect the amp output stage. Other amplifiers might need a trip to the shop if a tube fails; not this one- just plug in a new tube, fuse, and go.
Premium tubes are available from us and other parties if you wish to upgrade. In USA, Upscale Audio's inventory of New Old Stock tubes is the largest you can find. Elsewhere, independent suppliers can assist you to make your best choice.
We hope that the PrimaLuna ProLogue Five stereo vacuum tube power amplifier will make you want to follow our next steps in expanding this new range of products. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to contact us. You can also share your thoughts with others at or other review sites. On the website you will find links to these and other websites. Our prices are kept low by using
Thanks again for your support!
Herman van den Dungen