Printer Configuration
The OPTIONS MENU contains features that affect how the printer operates regardless of how features in other
menus have been set.
After entering Setup as described earlier in “Setup Basics”, press the Advance Button until “OPTIONS
MENU” is displayed on the top line. You may now do one of the following:
press the Enter Button to review and/or change the features available, or
press the Advance Button to advance to the TEST MENU
Pressing the Enter Button will advance through the following features in the order shown below.
Maximum Format Number Max Formats
Format 1
Possible Values: Format 1* … Format 5
This feature sets the highest Format number to be displayed in the Format Menu. This allows the operator to
see only the formats that are in use rather than having to potentially sort through several unused formats.
Note that when changing the value of this feature, you may not select a value less than the value currently set in
the Format Menu.
Auto Power Down Auto Power Down
Possible Values: Off*, 1 Minute Delay … 15 Minute Delay
This feature sets whether the printer will automatically power down and if so, after what period of time of
inactivity. If set to a value other that “Off”, the printer will automatically turn itself off after the specified
number of minutes have passed since the printer last received data or last printed, whichever is longer.
User Language User Language
Possible Values: English*, French, German
This feature specifies the language to be used when presenting information on the control panel’s LCD Display.