ProSpot Fitness P-100 manual STEP# 1 Mainframeassembly

Models: P-100

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lnstructionsforAssemblyof the PROSPOTy'tnessrM-100

Beforeassembly,choosea safelocationfor yourPROSPOffttuessrM-100.The PROSPOTlrzessrM-100 hasa footprintof approximately6'x6'The. barbellis approximately7'long.LocateyourPROSPOTltrressrM P-100awayfrom any sourceof water.Do not allowany liquidlo be nearthe machineor spilledon any electricalpart. Do notinsertanyobjectintothe electricalbox.

Approximateassemblytimeis 1/2hours.

Aflatareaof 8'x 8'willbe requiredto assembleandproperlyusethe PROSPOTIT/gssIM-100. Youwillneedthefollowingtoolsanda helperto completethe assembly:

. 5 mmAllenWrench

r14 mm Box EndWrench o 17 mm Box EndWrench

. 19 mm Box EndWrench

FloorPadding,suchas cardboard,to avoidscratchingyourfloorduringassembly.

goodpairjnthe partsfromone whileremoving

A of scissorswillbe helpful separatinganotherthemfromthe cartons.

HANDTIGHTENall bolts.DO NOTfullytightenboltsuntilinstructedto do so.

Beforeassembly,separateand identifythe rightsided partsfrom the left-sidedparts.These partsare easily distinguishedby the mannerin whichthe pre-drilledholesalignwithcorrespondingparts,or are identifiedby " L " & " R " s t i c k e r s .

The PROSPOTlrressrMP-100 uses severaldifferentlengthsof bolts.Be carefulto use the correctlengthof bolt calledfor at each stepof assembly.Referto the sizingchartsprovided.

. WARNfNG:Neverperformany maintenanceon the PROSPOTfitnessrM-

100whilethe PowerSupplyis pluggedintothewall !!!


1 . Placethe two BaseRails(1 & 2) oppositeeachotherin the centerof the assemblyareaas shownin the lllustrationPlace.the LowerCrossBrace(3) betweenthe two BaseRails(1 & 2) so thatthe sidepre-drilled holesof the BaseRails('1,2) alignwiththeend holesof the LowerCrossBrace(3).

2 . Carefullythreadthe BaseRailWire Harness(8)throughthe correspondingbigend holesof the LowerCross Brace(3)thenpulltheWireHarness(8) outof the backbig holesof the LowerCrossBrace(3).

3 . Attachthe two BaseRails(1 & 2) to the LowerCrossBrace(3) usingtwo CrossBraceBackingPlates(13), fourbolts(28),eightwashers(18)andfournuts(20)as shown.HANDTIGHTENthe boltsat thistime.

Attachthe RightUprightGuidepostAssembly(7, 10,53) andthe two UprightSupportPlates(6)to the Right Base Rail(1) usingfour bolts(28),eightwashers(18)and four nuts(20) as shown.HANDTIGHTENthe boltsat thistime.(Note:The long end of the Upright Support Plate(6) should point to the rear of the machineas shown in the illustration).

5 . Attachthe Left UprightGuidepostAssembly(9, 12, 53) and the two UprightSupportPlates(6) to the Left BaseRail (2) usingfour bolts(28),eightwashers(18)and four nuts(20) as shown.HANDTIGHTENthe boltsat thistime.(Note:The long end of the Upright Support Plate(6) should point to the rear of the machineas shown in the illustrationl.


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ProSpot Fitness P-100 manual STEP# 1 Mainframeassembly