UsingSpotBlocksis quickandeasy.Justfollowtheseinstructions:
To UseSpot Blocksas a SecondarvLockino Device
1 . BeforepositioningSpotBlocks,placethe barbellintothe lowestposition fortheexerciseyouwillbe pedorming.
Oncebarbellis placedin desiredposition,lowerSpotBlocksso thatthey aretouchingthetopof the sliderlockingblock(theblackboxwiththe ProspotFitness@logoon it).To moveSpotBlocks,placeyourindexand middlefingersunderneaththefingergripandyourthumbon the push- releaselever.Pushin the
intodesiredpositionRelease. the
3. Oncein place,the barbellcannotbe loweredbeyondthe positionof the SootBlocks.
To UseSpot Blocksas a TraininqAid |
| |
your | 'sticking |
| 'sticking |
point' |
| ||
1. Determinewhere |
| is for desiredexercise(The. | |
point' | portion |
| |
refersto thespecific | of the movementwhereyouarethe |
weakestandstruggleto movethe barbellupwardanyfurther.)
2. | Positionthe SpotBlocksat the beginningof your'stickingpoint'(Refer.to | ||
| f2 aboveon howto moveSpotBlocks.) | ||
3. | Performthe desiredexercisewithSootBlocksin olace.Youwillnotbe | ||
| your'stickingpoint', | |
| ableto lowerthe barbelow | causingyourmusclesto | |
| workharderat thispoint.Usingthistechniquewillstrengthenthisareaand | ||
| helpto eliminateyour | 'sticking | |
| point'. |