06656 19

Label Buffering
The user may select one of three levels of serial buffering. With Full
Buffering (the default) selected, the scanner will place all scanned
labels into a buffer for transmission. This allows the operator to con-
tinue scanning even though the previous label may not have been
transmitted yet. Scanning will continue normally until the buffer is
full, then scanning will stop. Scanning will continue when enough
space is available for the current label.
When No Buffering is selected then scanning will be stopped until
the current label is completely transmitted.
When One Label Buffering is selected the scanner will allow the oper-
ator to scan one more label in addition to the label already in the
transmit buffer. In other words, one label may be scanned beyond the
label being transmitted.
NE Full Buffering
NF No Buffering
NG One Label Buffering
No Read Option
The scanner can be programmed to send a no read message (NR)
upon a scan that does not result in a good read.
NX Enable No Read
NY Disable No Read *