42 User’s / Programming Guide
EAN/JANScan Option RA to disable EAN/JAN (8 or 13 digit).
Option RB or RC enables both EAN 8 digit and EAN 13 digit. If
EAN/JAN is enabled, any EAN/JAN label, with or without supple-
ment, is read. The supplement is read if Option RB is selected and is
ignored if Option RC is selected.
Transmission of the first character in an EAN/JAN symbol (the num-
ber system character) is disabled by scanning Option RD, or is
enabled by scanning Option RE.
RA Disable EAN/JAN (8 or 13 Digit) #@
RB Enable EAN/JAN with 2 or 5 Digit
Supplement enabled
RC Enable EAN/JAN with 2 or 5 Digit
*Supplement disabled
RD Disable Transmission of Number
System Digit
RE Enable Transmission of Number
System Digit *#@