Teklogix 8570 Vehicle-Mount Computer User Manual B-5
Appendix B: The 8570 Keyboard
Macro Key
B.4.4 Macro KeyThe Macro key is programmed to send a <Shift>+<F1> signal when pressed, and
the key will light up for 30 seconds. If your application is configured to recognize
this signal, it will respond as if this key sequence was entered. See Figure B.2 on
page B-3 for the location of this key.
B.4.5 HulaPoint Pointing DeviceThe HulaPoint is compatible with Microsoft and Logitech two-button pointing
devices, and will therefore function with the default device drivers in Windows 98 or
NT, which are Microsoft or Logitech device drivers.
The device drivers shipped with the HulaPoint are not required for HulaPoint
operation. These drivers only enhance some functions of the HulaPoint, and are
optional. In most cases where the HulaPoint is not functioning properly, the problem
does not lie in the software. There may be software conflicts in the operating
Steps for testing the HulaPoint:
1. Configure a computer system using Windows 98 or NT; connecting any
commercial keyboard and a commercial grade Microsoft or
Logitech pointing device (mouse).
2. Ensure that there are no other device drivers installed in the operating
environment (e.g. Control Panel; system devices). If you are not sure
how to verify this, reload the Windows software for a clean system
(with only the keyboard and pointing device connected).
3. Verify that the system operates correctly with the above keyboard and
pointing device.
4. Shut down the computer, connect the HulaPoint (do not install any driv-
ers), then restart the computer. The HulaPoint should function the same
as the commercial-grade Microsoft or Logitech pointing device.
5. Use this system as the basis for installing any additional devices
required for the computer.