∙Turn off the power to the printer.
∙Lift the front end of the top cover to remove it.
∙Open the auto cutter by pulling the tab up if it is installed in the printer. (PP5600B)
∙Remove slack in the ribbon by turning the ribbon feed knob of the ribbon cartridge counterclockwise. The ribbon must be properly tightened to be able to set in position in installation. Never turn the knob the other way round or the ribbon may mess up inside the cassette and ruin the whole cassette.
∙If in process of replacing the ribbon cassette, the cassette shall be removed in the manner that the side of the knob is pulled up first with the end of the holding tab remain held down.
∙Place the ribbon cartridge in position as shown in the picture. Seat the side with the holding tab first then press down the whole cassette. Rotate the ribbon feed knob counterclockwise during the action pressing down the ribbon cartridge into position to help the installation operation if necessary.
Fastening Knob
Lift Tab
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