QSC Audio CX Series user manual Bridged-Monomode Caution, Mode Bridgé Mono Attention, CX4 and CX4T

Models: CX Series

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ALL MODELS—Output voltages as high as 160 volts rms are available be- tween the CX amplifier’s bridged terminals (200 volts at isolated outputs).

CX4T, CX6T and CX12T (140V and 200V opera- tion)—Fully insulated CLASS ONE wiring must be used to connect the amplifier to the loud- speakers


TOUT LES MODÈLES— Des tensions de sorties aussi élevée que 160 volts rms sont disponible aux bornes du amplificateur CX en mode bridgé mono (200 volts aux sorties isolés).

CX4T, CX6T ET CX12T (opération 140V et

200V)—On doit utiliser du câblage entièrement isolé de CLASSE 1 pour relier l’amplificateur aux haut-parleurs.


ALLE TYPEN—Zwischen den Ausgangsklemmen der CX-Verstärker können Ausgangs- spannungen bis 160 Volt RMS anliegen (200 Volt bei isolierten Ausgänge).

CX4T, CX6T UND CX12T (140V- u. 200V- Betrieb)—Der Anschluß muß vom Verstärker bis zum Lautsprecher mit vollisoliertem Kabel erfolgen.


TODO LOS MODELOS— Voltajes de salida de hasta 160 VRMS existen entre los terminales de puente del amplificador CX (200 voltios a las salidas aisladas).

CX4T, CX6T Y CX12T (operación 140V y 200V)—Utilice cableado de CLASE UNO totalmente aislado para conectar las altoparlantes.

Instructions for bridged operation

CX4 and CX4T

1.To engage the bridged mono mode, jumper the barrier strip inputs on the rear, in accordance with the diagram printed under the barrier strip inputs. Connect the amplifier input to channel 1 only, with the jumpers as shown to channel 2. Channel 1 and channel 2 gains must be matched. A 4, 8, or 16 ohm speaker load can be connected across the two red speaker terminals, using the red binding post of channel 1 for “+” or “hot.”

CX6, CX6T, CX12 and CX12T

1.Set the switch to the “Bridge” position.

2.Connect the signal to channel 1’s input only. Do not connect an input signal to channel 2. However, as a convenience for routing the same signal to multiple amplifiers without using Y connectors, the mode switch connects the channel 1 and channel 2 inputs in parallel. Therefore, you can use channel 2’s input terminals to pass the audio signal on to other amplifiers.

3.Use only channel 1’s gain control to set the level. Both channels’ “SIGNAL” and “CLIP” indicators should flash identically when the amplifier is operating.

4.Connect the single speaker load across the + amplifier outputs as shown in the Outputs chapter. The positive speaker wire goes to channel 1, and the negative to channel 2.


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QSC Audio CX Series Bridged-Monomode Caution, Mode Bridgé Mono Attention, Instructions for bridged operation, CX4 and CX4T