4 September 2004, ADIC
Using StorNext with Xsan
StorNext is interoperable with the Apple Xsan application. If you are testing a heterogeneous mix of Apple
Xsan and ADIC StorNext clients, the Xsan build must be 7N125 or greater. For information on supported
hardware environments when running Xsan, refer to the Apple Xsan documentation. To attach an Xsan
client to a StorNext FS server, perform these special configuration steps on the Xsan client.
1Install the Xsan application.
The machine reboots.
2Open a terminal window. To become root, type:
sudo -s
3Create the role.plist file in the /Library/Filesystems/Xsan/config/ directory. The
role.plist file must include these contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://
<plist version="1.0">
For Example:
4Stop the Xsan application. Type:
HOST=`hostname -s`
/sbin/SystemStarter stop acfs
5Create the fsnameservers file in the /Library/Filesystems/Xsan/config/ directory. The
fsnameservers file must include the IP address of the StorNext FS server.
6Verify the system has started. Type:
If the system has not started, repeat Step 3.
7Start the Xsan application. Type:
touch /tmp/start_acfs
/sbin/SystemStarter start acfs
8Make the /Volumes/<fsname> directory, where <fsname> is the name of the file system. Type:
mkdir -p /Volumes/<fsname>
9Mount the StorNext FS file system to the mount point defined in Step 8, where <fsname> is the name
of the file system. Type:
mount -t acfs <fsname> /Volumes/<fsname>