Quantum Quantum Composers warranty Back Panel, Left Button help, Right Button range, Stop Button

Models: Quantum Composers

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Left Button (help)

Left Button (help)

For numeric items, this button is used to select which digit in a numeric entry is selected for editing. For other items or when the left most digit is already selected for numeric items, pressing and holding this button down displays a brief description of the current item.

Right Button (range)

For numeric items, this button is used to select which digit in a numeric entry is selected for editing. For other items or when the right most digit is already selected for numeric items, pressing and holding this button down displays the range and units for the current item.

Stop Button

Disables output of pulses on all channels.

Run Button

Enables output of pulses.

Back Panel

QC Connectors

There are three (3) QC connectors on the rear of the 9412/9412A, 2 outputs and 1 input.


Channel 1 output -- a general-purpose pulse output, with programmable delay, pulse width, and pulse polarity. The maximum output voltage is adjustable and varies from 20 Volts open- circuit to 10 Volts when driving a 50 Ohm load. The maximum voltage is adjusted by a poten- tiometer located on the back of the 9412/9412A.


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Quantum Quantum Composers warranty Back Panel, Left Button help, Right Button range, Stop Button, Run Button, QC Connectors