A few people may experience epile ptic seizures when viewing fla shing
lights or patterns in our daily e nvironment. These pers ons may experi-
ence seizures while watching T V pictures or playing video g ames. Play-
ers who have not had any seizures may none theless have an undetected
epileptic condition.
Consult your physician before pl aying video games if you have an
epileptic condition or experi ence any of the following symptoms wh ile
playing video games: altere d vision, eye or muscle twitchi ng, other
involuntary movements, loss of awa reness of your surroundin gs, mental
confusion and/or convul sions.



On the back of the main unit, remove the bat tery compartment a nd in-
sert four (4) “AA” batteries as in dicated inside the compar tment (alkaline
batteries recommended ). Replace the batter y compartment door.
NOTE: Batteries in the Mai n Unit should give you about 10 hours of
game play (if alkaline batter ies are used). The ga me will not oper-
ate normally when the batterie s begin to run low. The screen may be
blurred and resetting the ga me may not work. Be sure to install f resh
batteries. There is also no me mory function. All gam e data will be
erased when the power is turned of f or batteries are repla ced.


NOTE: To connect Golden Tee Golf direc tly to a TV, the TV must be
equipped with audio and video i nput jacks. They are commonl y found on
the front of the TV near the contra st, color and picture adjus tment con-
trols or on the rear of the TV near th e antenna and cable/sa tellite jacks.
If your TV does not have audio and vide o input jacks, you may connect
Golden Tee Golf through a VCR connected to yo ur TV.
Please note: If your TV does not have AV Inpu t Jacks, you can connect
your game through your VCR or use an RF Mo dulator. RF Modulators
can be purchased at most elec tronic stores.
MODEL 76081
For 1 to 4 players / Ages 8 and up
P/N 823A2010 Rev.A
To connect Golden Tee Golf to your VCR, insert th e yellow video plug
from the Main Unit into the video-i n (Yellow) jack on your VCR, the white
audio plug into the left audio-i n (white) jack. Then set th e VCR to the
appropriate video input mode ( see your VCR’s operating manua l for


• Ro ll left and right to choose your c lub
• Ro ll back to start your backswing
• Ro ll forward to start your for ward swing
LEFT BUTTON – Press to scroll to th e left thru menu options. Pre ss to
aim left.
RIGHT BUTTON – Press to scroll to th e right thru menu options. Pre ss
to aim right.
BACK / BACKSPIN – Press to back out of a menu, o r to add backspin
to your shot.
SELECT / START – Press to select item fro m the menu, start the game,
or move on to the next hole.
POWER BUTTON – Slide to turn the ga me on/off


PLAY ROUND – 1 to 4 players will compete agai nst each other, with
a maximum stroke count of 10, while playing a ll 18 holes of the golf
course. Hit the fewest number of str okes in 18 holes to win.
MATCH PLAY – 2 players compete to post the best sco re for each hole.
The player with the lowest stroke count o n a hole will be awarded one
point for each hole. The player with th e most points at the end of 18
holes takes the trophy.
TOURNAMENT – 1 to 4 players compe te against computer gener ated
scores or other players (up to 4 ) while playing all 18 holes of the golf
course. There are three tourn ament difficulties:
• Br onze Cup (Easy)
• Sil ver Cup (Medium)
• Go ld Cup (Hard)
The player with the lowest score on the bo ard wins the tournament and
takes the trophy.
DRIVING RANGE – This is wh ere the player can practice d riving, work
on their slice or hook, or just lea rn to become one with the ball.


If your Golden Tee Golf is connected to your T V, turn on the TV, then
set the TV to the appropriate vide o input mode (see set-up se ction of
this manual). If your Golde n Tee Golf is connected to your TV thro ugh
a VCR, turn on the TV and VCR, then set bo th the TV and VCR to the
appropriate video input mode s (see set-up section of thi s manual).
Next, turn on the power to your Golden Tee Golf by sl iding the POWER
BUTTON to the left on the front of the Ma in Unit. After a brief star t-up
animation, the Main Menu will app ear on the TV screen.
Using the trackball on the Main Uni t, you will be able to scroll throug h
the different game modes you ca n choose from (Play Round, M atch
Play, Tournament, and Driving Range) . Once the game mode you wish
to play is highlighted press the SELEC T button on the Main Unit. If it
is an option in the game you select, you w ill then be able to choose the
number of players.
The Tee View screen will appear and dis play the following information :
• Ho le Number, Par, and Stroke Number
• Di stance Remaining to the Hole /Pin in Yards
• Go lfer
• Power Pe rcentage
• Li e (where you are hitting fro m)
• Clu b Selection and Maximu m Distance that is can hit
• Win d Direction & Speed
• Ba ll Placement
• Fla g
• Ai m Target
CLUB SELECTION – On initial Tee-o ff, a club will be suggested to
you. You may play this club or choose another fr om your bag. Roll the
Trackball to the left or right on the Main Un it to scroll through the club
Caddie Tip:
• Ch oose your 1 Wood (Driver) for a ll par 4’s and par 5’s
• Ch oose the lowest club that guara ntees the player can reach the
hole assuming a max hit (tak ing the lie into consideratio n).
• Se lect the Sand Wedge( SW) for Bunkers or Sand Traps
• Use a ny of the clubs between the Lob Wed ge(LW) and the 7 iron fo r
chipping inside 60 yards
• Th e Putter is the only club used on g reens. Learn to aim well.
• Pre ss the Start/Sel ect button to change your sel ection if your back-
swing or club selection isn’t what yo u wanted.
BACKSPIN – Press the BACKSPIN button befo re your backswing to hit
the ball with some backspin. This wi ll cause the ball to spin backwa rds
after being hit; thereby mak ing the distance it rolls upo n landing to be
SHOT DIRECTION – Before hitt ing the ball, the player can adjus t where
they are aiming by pressing the LEF T OR RIGHT BUTTONS on the Mai n
Unit to shape their shot or compen sate for a hook or slice.
Caddie Tip: Follow the sho t direction guide across th e top of the
Main Unit. By learning these bac kswing and forward swing com bi-
nations, you will soon be able to make that b all land right where you
need to without breaking a sweat. T his is especially helpful i n order to
get the ball to the Hole in the fewest numbe r of shots. Practice these
different shots on the Drivin g Range.
SWING STRENGTH – The streng th of your swing will be based on a
combination of your backswing and yo ur forward swing. As you roll the
trackball back, notice your club m oving back as well. The farthe r back
your club goes, the more power you are pu tting behind your shot. But
just like real golf, you will need to conne ct with the ball as well. So after
you have figured out how far back you want to go with yo ur club, how
fast the trackball rolled for ward will also determine your sw ing strength.
A strength percentage will be s hown on the screen afterwa rds to indi-
cate the speed of the swing.
Caddie Tip: Pay attentio n to your golfer and his backswing. S ome-
battery compar tment