times it is the smarter play to only u se a little backswing, so as to not
overshoot the ball.
BALL PATH – The path that the trackball is rolle d will determine the
path of the ball. The ball can either b e sliced, hooked, or right on ta rget.
Adjust your aim using the Right and L eft Buttons, and use one of th e
combinations described un der Shot Direction above.
LIES AND GROUND SURFACES – Dep ending on the surface of the
ground that the ball is laying on, your Powe r Percentage could be af-
fected for better or worse. Sur faces include: Tee, Fairway, Sand, Bur ied,
Cabbage, Rough, Fringe, Green, Ca rt Path and O.B. (Out of Bound s).
Once the ball is hit from the Tee View, the camera w ill follow the ball and
then switch to Bird’s Eye View to follow it until it stops. I f the ball is on
the Green, remember to compen sate for slope.
When a hole is complete, the score ca rd will be shown, with ranks for
all the players. When the 18th hole is comp lete the score card will be
displayed again.
FarSight Studios
Technical Director --- Jay Oberno lte
Lead Engineer --- Sean Shan non
Development Director --- Bo bby King
Engineer --- Doug Brettin
Game and Course Designer - -- Bobby King
Art Director --- Tom Green
Artist --- Chris Kline
Testers ---
Stacy Crumpler, Tom Wells, Kevin Deshler, Norman Ste pansky


To locate your auxiliary channel, whic h is usually not 3 or 4, but a gam-
ing channel found between 2 and 9 9 (example 2, 1, 0, 99), first tr y 00 to
see if it is the auxiliary chan nel. Channels downwards from 3 u ntil a Line
1 or Line 2, Video 1 or Video 2, Front, Aux, AV, etc., appears o n screen,
then push the power button on the gam e and it should automaticall y
come on if you have selected the corre ct channel. If this does not wor k,
another way to determine your auxilia ry channel is to take a look at your
television remote. There may be a but ton on the remote that may take
you directly to the correct chan nel. The buttons you are looki ng for may
be labeled Input, AUX, AV, Line, TV/V ideo, or Video. If your remote has
one of these buttons, turn your telev ision back to Channel 3 and sel ect
that button. The power button on the g ame should be turned on in or der
for the game to appear on the televisio n. If your television remote does
not have any of these buttons, and chan nel 00 is not working, you may
need to search the main menu for a way to dete rmine your auxiliary
channel. If none of these methods h ave helped you locate your auxilia ry
channel, you may need to check your owne r’s manual and/or conta ct a
local television repair comp any.


When connecting to a VCR, you must fir st start with a blue backgro und
showing on your television scree n. To obtain a blue screen, try inse rting
a videotape into the VCR, let it star t to play, then hit the stop button. This
may give you a blue screen, then you can ch annel down to your auxiliary
channel. If the blue screen stil l does not appear, try entering yo ur TV
and/or VCR main menu and see if i t gives you options to select a blue
screen background. Many times if yo u enter the main menu on your
television you can change the set ting from cable to video and di splay a
blue screen. Also if you have an olde r television, you may locate a hid-
den door on your television that has c olor, picture, horizontal, ver tical,
and cable, antennae buttons. If yo ur television includes thi s panel, you
can select the antennae/c able button and see the blu e screen appears.
If you have tried all of these options and a re still unsuccessful co nnect-
ing the console, then you may need to che ck your VCR owner’s manual
or contact the manufacturer to fin d out how to set up your VCR for
console games.
Remember, you can’t play our games thro ugh a cable box or satellite, so
if you own one of these make sure it is turne d off before connecting the
game. You can connect our games throu gh DVD players with the same
connection as a VCR.
If you still have dif��culty with setup o r operation of your game, ple ase
call our players helpline menti oned at the end of this manual.
If you choose to use an AC Adapter we sugges t the following :
Recommended Adapt or Output:
-Voltage: 6 Volts DC
-Current: 300 mA (min imum)
Polarity: Negative Center
Plug Size: 5.5 mm outside diameter, 2.1 inside diame ter.
AC Adapters are available at most ele ctronic stores.
If you use the product with a transfo rmer, regularly examine for dama ge
to the cord, plug, enclosure and oth er parts. In the event of any dam -
age, do not use the toy with the transform er.
• As w ith all small bat teries, the bat teries used with t his device
should be kept away from s mall children wh o might still put
things in their mout hs. If a batter y is swallowed, consu lt a physi-
cian immediately.
• Be s ure you insert th e battery corr ectly and always fo llow the
device and batter y manufacture r’s instruction s.
• Do n ot dispose of batt eries in fire.
• Ba tteries might l eak if improperl y installed, or ex plode if re-
charged, disass embled or heated.
• So metimes, a build -up of static elec tric (from car pets, etc) may
cause the game to stop wo rking. Just rese t the game by switch-
ing the power button of f for a few seconds an d it will work again.
• Th e unit may malfunc tion when there i s radio interfer ence on the
power line and signal l ine. The unit will re vert to normal oper ation
when the interfer ence stops.
• In a n environment wi th radio frequen cy interferen ce, the product
may malfunction an d require user to re set the product .
• Ha ndle this device carefully.
• Sto re this device away from dusty or di rty areas.
• Kee p this device away from moisture or ex treme temperature.
• Do n ot disassemble this devic e. If a problem occurs, pres s the Reset
button, or remove and replace the ba tteries to reset the device, or t ry
new batteries. If problems pe rsist, consult the warra nty information
located at the end of this instruct ion manual.
• Use o nly the recommended bat tery type.
• Do n ot mix old and new batteries.
• Do n ot mix alkaline, standard ( carbon-zinc) or recha rgeable (nickel-
cadmium) batteries.
• Do n ot use rechargeable bat teries.
• Do n ot attempt to recharge non- rechargeable batter ies.
• Re move any exhausted batteries f rom the device.
• Do n ot short-circuit the supp ly terminals.
• Ins ert batteries with the c orrect polarity.
• Th is product is not suitable fo r children under 36 months .
• Use o nly with the recommended t ransformer type.
• Di sconnect the transform er before cleaning the cons ole or controller.
• Th e transformer is not a toy.
• Transfo rmers used with the toy are to be reg ularly examined for dam-
age to the cord,plug, enclosure an d other parts. In the event of suc h
damage, the toy must not be used with thi s transformer until the
damage has been repaired.
• Th e toy is not to be connected to more than o ne power supply.
• Pac kaging should be kept as it conta ins important informa tion.
Please retain this f or future refere nce.
This device complies with Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditi ons: (1) this device may not cause
harmful interference and ( 2) this device must acce pt any interference
received, including interfe rence that may cause undes ired operation.
WARNING: Changes or mo difications to this unit not expre ssly ap-
proved by the party responsib le for compliance could void t he user’s
authority to operate the equip ment.
NOTE: This equipment ha s been tested and found to compl y with the
limits for a Class B digital device, p ursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to pr ovide reasonable protecti on against
harmful interference in a re sidential installatio n. This equipment gener-
ates, uses and can radiate radio fr equency energy and if not in stalled
and used in accordance with the i nstructions, may cause ha rmful
interference to radio commun ications. However, there is no guara ntee
that interference will not occ ur in a particular insta llation. If this equip-
ment does cause harmful inter ference to radio or televisi on reception,
which can be determined by turnin g the equipment off and on, the u ser
is encouraged to try to corre ct the interference by one or m ore of the
following measures:
• Re orient or relocate the rece iving antenna.
• Inc rease the separation bet ween the equipment and re ceiver.
• Co nnect the equipment into an ou tlet on a circuit differen t from that to
which the receiver is connecte d.
• Co nsult the dealer or an exper ienced radio TV techni cian for help.
(This product war ranty is valid in t he United States a nd Canada only)
Radica Games Limited warran ts this product for a period of 6 m onths
from the original purchase da te under normal use agains t defective
workmanship and materials ( batteries excluded) . This warranty does
not cover damage resulting from ac cident, unreasonable u se, negli-
gence, improper service o r other causes not arising o ut of defects in
material or workmanship. Radi ca Games Limited will not be lia ble for
any costs incurred due to loss of us e of this product or other incid ental
or consequential costs, exp enses or damages incurr ed by the purchas-
er. Some states do not allow the exclusion or li mitation of incidental or
consequential damages, s o the above limitations may not appl y to you.
This warranty gives you speci fic legal rights and you may also h ave other
legal rights, which vary fro m state to state.
During this 6-month warran ty period, the game will eit her be repaired or
replaced (at our option) w ithout charge to the purchas er when returned
prepaid with proof of date of purcha se to: Radica USA, Ltd ., 13628-A
Beta Road, Dallas, Texas 7524 4, USA. Please remove th e batter-
ies and wrap the unit carefully b efore shipping. Please incl ude a brief
description of the problem alo ng with your return address an d mail it
postage prepaid.
IMPORTANT: Before returning the unit f or repair, test it with fresh
alkaline batteries. Even new bat teries may be defective or weak a nd low
battery power is a frequent ca use of unsatisfactory op eration.
(This product war ranty is valid in t he United Kingdo m only)
All products in the RADICA® r ange are fully guarantee d for a period
of 6 months from the original purch ase date under normal use, a gainst
defective workmanship and mate rials (batteries exclu ded). This warrant y
does not cover damage resulting f rom accident, unreasona ble use,
negligence, improper ser vice or other causes not ar ising out of defects
in material or workmanship.
In the unlikely event that you do experie nce a problem within the first 6
months, please telephone the Techni cal Support team: Tel. 08 71 222
8278. Calls are char ged at 10p per minute a nd will show up on your
standard teleph one bill. Helpli ne hours are 2pm-11pm, Monda y to
IMPORTANT: Always test the product with f resh alkaline batterie s.
Even new batteries may be defective or we ak and low battery power is a
frequent cause of unsatisfac tory operation.
Distributed in the USA by:
13628-A Beta Road
Dallas, TX 75244-4510
Distributed in the UK by:
The Old Stables, Munns Farm,
Cole Green, Hertfordshire,
SG14 2NL, England