You can set your radio to monitor both the current channel and one of the channels stored in M1, M2, or M3. To

use dual watch, hold down MON and press M1, M2, or M3. DUAL appears and

the two channels appear alternately. The radio alternately checks the two channels and stops on the active channel until the signal disappears. Press any key to stop dual watch.



You can set your radio so the person with whom you are communicating will hear a tone when you finish transmitting. To turn on the radio’s courtesy tone, hold down VOX/MENU for about 2 seconds, then release. C-Toneflashes. ON appears when the courtesy tone is on and OF appears when the courtesy tone is off. Press e/SCAN or d/ CALL to turn the courtesy tone on or off, then press VOX/MENU to store the setting. The radio will automatically store the displayed setting after 30 seconds.