65-538.fm Page 6 Monday, December 13, 1999 9:15
3 (gall) — Enters 3. Also converts US gallons to liters and vice versa.
M+ (yardm) — Adds and stores a cal- culation answer in memory. Also converts yards to meters and vice versa.
0 (ozg) — Enters 0. Also converts ounces to grams and vice versa.
. (lbkg) — Enters the decimal point. Also converts pounds to kilograms and vice versa.
=(Imp.gall) — Gives the answer to a calculation. Also converts Imperial gallons to liters and vice versa.
+(Imp.fl.oz ml) — Performs the addi- tion function. Also converts Imperial fluid ounces to milliliters and vice versa.
%(KJKC) — Figures percentages. Also converts kiloJoules to kilocalories and vice versa.