Custom Setup
If you selected the custom install, this screen will appear allowing you to choose the components to be installed.
Once the components have been selected, click “Next” to continue.
Destination Folder
Select the destination folder for the application and the USB cable drivers.
The database Library files will be installed in the iSCAN\DB folder located in your My Documents folder regardless of this setting.
Click “Next” to continue.
Select Program Shortcuts Folder
Select the name of the folder used to store shortcuts in the Start menu.
Click “Next” to continue.
Completing the InstallAware Wizard
This is the final check before installation begins.
Click “Next” to perform the installation.
Installing iSCAN
This screen is shown while the selected files are being copied to the computer.
When this process is complete, click “Next” to continue.
Completing the Install
This is the final install screen. If the option to install the USB Cable drivers was selected, a DOS window with the install will be shown briefly.
To start the iSCAN Application, check the “Run iSCAN now” checkbox and click “Finish.”
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