Raynger 3i Series Operator’s Manual 4-1
When the battery icon comes on, you need to replace the batteries. To open the
battery compartment, press gently on the middle of the sliding panel (located on the
bottom of the handle) and slide it to the rear of the unit. Remove the batteries and
replace with four AA batteries. Be sure to insert the new batteries so they point in the
proper direction. (A symbol on the side of the handle shows the proper battery orien-
tation.) Replace the battery compartment cover.
You should periodically clean the instrument’s front window and housing.
4.2.1 Front Window Cleaning
A dirty front window can cause temperature measurement errors. The window is
fragile, and care should be taken when cleaning it to prevent scratching. Use camera
lens or eye glass tissues to clean the window.
Periodic cleaning can be done by completing one or more of the following:
• Blow loose particles off the front window with clean air.
Note: Unfiltered compressed air, as well as your own breath, can cause condensation on
the front window, which can trap dust particles instead of removing them.
• Gently brush off particles with a soft camel-hair brush.
• Thicker contaminants can be cleaned with water and a camera lens tissue.
• For finger prints or grease, use either isopropyl alcohol, Ethanol, Xylene,
Acetone, or Kodak®Lens Cleaner. Apply to the front window, and wipe gen-
tly with a camera lens tissue until you see colors on the surface, then allow to
air dry. Do not wipe the surface dry, as this may scratch the surface.
Do not use any ammonia, or cleaners with ammonia, bleach, acids, or
strong bases. This can cause severe damage to the front window.