Raynger 3i Series Operator's Manual Glossary-3
Infrared (IR)
The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
extending from the
far red visible at approximately 0.75 µm, out
to 1000 µm. However, because of instrument
design considerations and the atmospheric
windows, most infrared measurements are
made between 0.75 µm and 20 µm.
Infrared Thermometer
An instrument that converts incoming IR
radiation from a spot on a target surface to a
measurement value that can be related to the
temperature of that spot.
Insulation Resistance
The electrical resistance of the insulating
material as measured by the ratio of the
applied voltage (applied for example
between a conducting wire and the case or
chassis ground) to the leakage current, and
normally expressed in megohms.
Intrinsically Safe
A standard for preventing explosions in haz-
ardous areas by limiting the electrical energy
available to levels that are insufficient to
cause ignition of explosive atmospheres dur-
ing normal operation.
J,K t/c
Thermocouple types available, depending
upon the temperature range to be measured.
JIS Japanese Industrial Standard; sets standards
for determining or establishing the accuracy
of an IR thermometer.
K (Kelvin)
The unit of absolute or thermodynamic tem-
perature scale where 0 K is absolute zero and
273.15 K is equal to 0° C. There is no (°) sym-
bol used with the Kelvin scale, and
K = °C + 273.15.
Low Alarm. Units with this feature can
sound an alarm when they sense that a user-
defined low temperature has been reached.
Single or dual lasers are used in some units
for aiming and/or locating the optimum tem-
perature measurement point.
Location. Units with the datalogging feature
store data in numbered locations, which can
be recalled and reviewed on the display
when necessary.
Locks or unlocks the trigger on portable
Datalogging. Units with the datalogging fea-
ture can store data when in the LOG mode.
A cycle of operations within a selected mode.
For example, the RUN Loop cycles through
standard running operations; the LOG Loop
cycles through datalogging operations; and
the RECALL Loop cycles through stored
operations and displays the data.
mAMilli-ampere, or 0.001 amp.
Maximum. When this mode is activated, the
maximum temperature of the last series of
measured temperatures displays.
Micron (or µm)
10-6 meters (m), or 0.000001 m.
Minimum. When this mode is activated, the
minimum temperature of the last series of
measured temperatures displays.
Minimum spot size
The smallest spot an instrument can accu-
rately measure.
Modes are various user-selectable operations
within Loops.
mVMilli-volts, or 0.001 volt.
Noise Equivalent Temperature. Peak to peak
system electrical noise normally measured at
the output (display or analog) expressed in
°F or °C.