Using the TV’s Features
Canada V-Chip
Canadian TV
| Canada | |
| |||
| Rating | ||
| |
| 18+ | Adults. Programming intended for adults 18 and older. It may contain elements of violence, | |
| language, and sexual content which could make it unsuitable for viewers under 18. Violence | |
| guidelines: may contain violence integral to the development of the plot, character or theme, | |
| intended for adult audiences. Other content guidelines: may contain graphic language and explicit | |
| portrayals of nudity and/or sex. | |
| 14+ | Viewers 14 and over. Programming contains themes or content which may not be suitable for | |
| viewers under the age of 14. Parents are strongly cautioned to exercise discretion in permitting | ||
| ||
| viewing by | |
| Could deal with mature themes and societal issues in a realistic fashion. Other content guidelines: | |
| may contain scenes of nudity and/or sexual activity. There could be frequent use of profanity. | |
| PG | Parental Guidance. Programming intended for a general audience but which may not be suitable | |
| for younger children (under the age of 8). Parents may consider some content inappropriate for | |
| unsupervised viewing by children aged | |
| aggression will be limited and moderate; may include physical, fantasy, or supernatural violence. | |
| Other content guidelines: may contain infrequent mild profanity, or mildly suggestive language. | |
| Could also contain brief scenes of nudity. | |
| G | General Audience. Programming considered acceptable for all ages groups. While not designed | |
| specifically for children, it is understood younger viewers may be part of the audience. Violence | |
| guidelines: will contain very little violence, either physical or verbal or emotional. Will be sensitive | |
| to themes which could frighten a younger child, will not depict realistic scenes of violence which | |
| minimize or gloss over the effects of violent acts. Other content guidelines: there may be some | |
| inoffensive slang, no profanity and no nudity. | |
| C8+ | Children 8 and Older. Programming generally considered acceptable for children 8 years and over | |
| to watch on their own. Violence guidelines: violence will not be portrayed as the preferred, | |
| acceptable, or only way to resolve conflict or encourage children to imitate dangerous acts which | |
| they may see on television. Any realistic depictions of violence will be infrequent, discreet, of low | |
| intensity and will show the consequences of the acts. Other content guidelines: there will be no | |
| profanity, nudity or sexual content. | |
| C | C (Children) Programming intended for children under age 8. Violence guidelines: careful attention | |
| is paid to themes which could threaten children’s sense of security and well being. There will be no | |
| realistic scenes of violence. Depictions of aggressive behavior will be infrequent and limited to | |
| portrayals that are clearly imaginary, comedic or unrealistic in nature. Other content guidelines: | |
| there will be no offensive language, nudity or sexual content. | |
Chapter 3 | 53 |