Preparation / Status display of disc

The following pages describe the setup/operation in DVD mode.


If the unit does not operate properly: Static electricity, etc., may affect the play- er's operation. Disconnect the AC power cord once, then connect it again.


Before DVD/CD operation, please make preparations as follows.

1 Insert the AC cord plug into a standard 120V 60Hz polarized AC outlet.

If the AC cord plug is plugged in for the first time, wait for about 5 seconds before pressing POWER.

NOTE: When connecting to other equipment, unplug the unit from the AC outlet.

2 Press POWER on the unit or on the remote control to turn on the unit. The POWER indicator will light.

Every time you press POWER, the TV/DVD starts from TV mode.

When using an amplifier, switch on the amplifier.

3 Press DVD to select DVD mode. The DVD startup screen will ap- pear on the screen.

Status display of disc

Press DISPLAY/CALL. The status display of the disc will appear on the screen.


Title number Title elapsed playing time

Chapter number Title total time

Disc operation

T ￿￿￿￿￿￿C￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

Camera angle

Audio language Subtitle language

Type of audio

To make status display disappear, press DISPLAY/CALL again.

Audio CD


Track elapsed playing time



Track total time

Disc operation



When you play a CD disc, the status display will appear and remain on the screen.


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Image 44
RCA TV/VCR/DVD manual Preparation / Status display of disc, Dvd, Audio CD