Rev.1.00 2007.11.1
4.2.2 Timer
Synopsis <Set timer mode>
Boolean __CreateTimer(unsigned long data1, unsigned int data2, unsigned int
data3, unsigned int data4, void* func)
data1 Setup data 1
data2 Setup data 2
data3 Setup data 3
data4 Setup data 4
func Callback function pointer
(Specify 0 if no callback functions are set.)
Description Sets a specified timer to timer mode.
For data1, the following definition values can be set. To set multiple definition values at
the same time, use the symbol “|” to separate each specified value.
RAPI_TIMER_A0 Uses timer A channel 0.
RAPI_TIMER_A1 Uses timer A channel 1.
RAPI_TIMER_A2 Uses timer A channel 2.
RAPI_TIMER_A3 Uses timer A channel 3.
RAPI_TIMER_A4 Uses timer A channel 4.
RAPI_TIMER_B0 Uses timer B channel 0.
RAPI_TIMER_B1 Uses timer B channel 1.
RAPI_TIMER_B2 Uses timer B channel 2.
RAPI_TIMER_B3 Uses timer B channel 3.
RAPI_TIMER_B4 Uses timer B channel 4.
RAPI_TIMER_B5 Uses timer B channel 5.
RAPI_F1 Selects f1 for the count source.
RAPI_F2 Selects f2 for the count source.
RAPI_F8 Selects f8 for the count source.
RAPI_F32 Selects f32 for the count source.
RAPI_FC32 Selects fc32 for the count source.
RAPI_TIMER_ON Sets the timer to start operating in __CreateTimer.
RAPI_TIMER_OFF Sets the timer to stop operating in __CreateTimer.
RAPI_GATE_L Selects a gate facility that counts a period during which input at
TAiIN pin remains low.
RAPI_GATE_H Selects a gate facility that counts a period during which input at
TAiIN pin remains high.
RAPI_PULSE_ON Selects that pulses are output from TAiIN pin.
RAPI_PULSE_OFF Selects that no pulses are output from TAiIN pin.
• Specifiable definition values when timer A is used (RAPI_TIMER_A0 to
RAPI_TIMER_A4 specified)