Rev.1.00 2007.11.1
Synopsis <Get the status of external interrupt flag>
Boolean __GetInterruptFlag(unsigned long data1, unsigned int *data2))
data1 Setup data 1
data2 Pointer to the buffer in which the acquired flag data is stored
Description Gets the value of interrupt request flag of a specified external interrupt.
RAPI_INT0 Uses _INT0 interrupt.
RAPI_INT1 Uses _INT1 interrupt.
RAPI_INT2 Uses _INT2 interrupt.
RAPI_INT3 Uses _INT3 interrupt.
RAPI_INT4 Uses _INT4 interrupt.
RAPI_INT5 Uses _INT5 interrupt.
RAPI_KEY Uses key input interrupt.
Value of interrupt request flag (0: Interrupt not requested; 1: Interrupt requested)
Return value
If the external interrupt specification is incorrect, RAPI_FALSE is returned; otherwise,
RAPI_TRUE is returned.
Functionality External interrupt
Reference __SetInterrupt, __EnableInterrupt, __ClearInterruptFlag
Remark •
If an undefined value is specified in the first argument, operation of the API cannot
be guaranteed.
Program example
#include " rapi_interrupt_m16c_62p.h"
void func( void )
unsigned char data;
/* Get flag of _INT2 interrupt */
__GetInterruptFlag( RAPI_INT2, &data );
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