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Table 4.3 lists how to set breakpoints for procedures 1 and 3.
Table 4.3 How to set breakpoints for procedures 1 and 3
Note on Address E0000h - FFFDFh Memory:
•When both the MAP setting for addresses E0000h to FFFDFh is "INT" and the
FMCR1 is set to "1", both the emulation memory and the MCU's internal flash
memory are enabled and bus collisions occur. Please avoid combining these settings.
Table 4.4 Address E0000h - FFFDFh memory
Map setting FMCR1 setting Remarks
INT 1 Do not set in this way.
• Examples 1 and 2 show how to set breakpoints to have the result shown below.
"Stop after jumping to the RAM area, and before setting the CPU rewrite mode select bit to "1"."
Example 1: Set a software break at the instruction to jump to the RAM area. After
stopping, set the program window to disassemble display mode and step
execute the jump to the RAM area. This allows you to stop in the RAM area.
Example 2: If there are 10 or more cycles after jumping to the RAM area and before the
instruction to access the CPU rewrite mode select bit, set a hardware break
to the RAM area Fetch.
• Examples 1, 2, and 3 show how to set breakpoints to have the result shown below:
"Stop immediately before jumping to user ROM area."
Example 1: A jump to the user ROM area is made at the end of the control program
written to RAM. Set a software break at the jump instruction.
Example 2: Set a software break in the instruction to set "0" in the CPU rewrite mode
select bit.
Example 3: If there are enough cycles between the instruction to set "0" in the CPU
rewrite mode select bit and the instruction to jump to the user ROM area,
set a hardware break to the Write access to the flash memory control
register (address 3B4h).