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Notes on Setting Software Breaks:•When setting software breaks in the control program for CPU rewrite mode
transferred to the RAM area, set the software break points after making the transfer.
The software breaks will not function if you set them before the program is
transferred to the RAM area.
•When setting "1" in the CPU rewrite mode select bit, you must write "0" followed
consecutively by "1". When a software break is set to the instruction to write "0", you
will not be able to set "1" in the CPU rewrite mode select bit even if you run the
program from this instruction.
If you run the program from this instruction after canceling the software break at this
instruction, you will be able to set "1" in the CPU rewrite mode select bit.
Note on RESET from the Target System:•When the reset vector value is at a user ROM area address, the CPU will run out of
control when reset from the target if the MAP setting for addresses E0000h to
FFFDFh is set to "EXT". This is because undefined values are read, as shown in
"Note on Address E0000h - FFFDFh Memory" (page 37). When the MAP setting
is "INT", resets from the target function normally.
Note on Setting the CPU Rewrite Mode Select Bit:•Normal script commands cannot be used to set the CPU rewrite mode select bit to
"1". However, you can use the custom command fmcr1set to set this bit to "1". (See
section 4.2 (2).)
Note on Address FFFE0h - FFFFFh:•Addresses FFFE0h to FFFFFh are used for tool control, and the MCU's internal flash
memory is therefore not enabled. Therefore you cannot erase or program addresses
Also, software commands in addresses FFFE0h to FFFFFh cannot be accepted.
Note on Changing the Mode of Flash Memory:•If you change the mode of flash memory during debugging, the control program may
not run as normal.
Note on Step Execution:•Do not source-line step an instruction jumping to the RAM area. Otherwise, the
emulator will be out of control. You can, however, step (machine language level step
execution) an instruction jumping to the RAM area.
Example for stepping an instruction:
Execute the script command StepInstruction(SI) by the script window.
> SI <RET>