This Addendum is for use with installation instructions
126547A, 126548A, 126550B, 126551B, 126552B, 126553B, 126554B, 126555B.
The solar control unit on an electric boosted system may incorporate a solar
monitor. The solar monitor is located on the side of the solar control unit and
houses both a green and a red LED. A gas boosted model may have a solar
monitor located on the left hand side of the air duct.
The green LED, marked “Solar”, indicates the current operational mode of the
solar water heater and the red LED, marked “Attention”, indicates a fault mode.
The green LED will emit either a constant glow or a series of flashes, with a
2 second interval between each series.
The red LED will emit a series of flashes, with a 2 second interval between
each series, only if there is a particular fault condition with the system.
2007 October 1 SK6203 Rev B