3 Scanning
The scanning operations and drivers will be different depending on your operating system. The machine uses a TWAIN compliant driver for scanning documents from your applications.
Two scanner drivers are installed. A TWAIN compliant scanner driver (See Scanning a document using the
TWAIN driver uu page 36) and a Windows® Imaging Acquisition (WIA) driver (See Scanning a document | 3 | |
Scanning a document using the WIA driver
WIA compliantYou can choose Windows® Image Acquisition (WIA) for scanning images from the machine. You can scan images directly into any application that supports WIA or TWAIN scanning.
Scanning a document into the PC
You can use the ADF (automatic document feeder) to scan a whole page.
a Load your document.
b Start Microsoft® Paint to scan a document.
The instructions for scanning in this Guide are for when you use Microsoft® Paint. The scanning steps may vary when using other software applications.
c Click From Scanner or Camera on the File menu. The Scanner Setup dialog box appears.