RAW mode ensuring shooting at the
highest quality
The camera's RAW mode gives you an
option to save full data of shot images in the
uncompressed RAW format (.DNG files).
The image quality of RAW files degrades
little as compared with JPEG files and you
can create images as expected by
processing them on the computer. JPEG
files converted from RAW files are also
Instant transfer to PC through the
USB cable
If the provided software is installed on your
computer, just connecting the camera to
your computer with the prov ided USB cable
will automatically transfer images to your
Provided with multi-functional
software "ImageMixer" that helps in
not only managing shot images in
an album, but also editing images
and sounds, and creating video CDs
For the integrated handling o f images, this
software has a input function to download
still images, movies, and sounds from a
digital camera or music CD, an album
function to manage captured contents, an
edit function to edit movies by MPEG- 1, a
layout function to create layouts using still
image contents, and a disk creation function
to create video CDs.
Direct printing without requiring any
computer (P.60)
A direct print compatible print er can be
connected to the camera with the USB cable
for direct transfer. This allows for easy
printing without using a compu ter.