A Variety of Shooting Techniques/Playback
Choosing Picture Quality Mode/Image Size (PIC QUALITY/SIZE)The size of a stored still image and movie file depends on picture
quality and size settings.
There are three types of picture quality modes: N (Normal), F (Fine),
and R (RAW).
The aspect ratio of 3:2 can be used in RAW and Fine modes.
(Default aspect ratio = 4:3)
The DNG files created in the RAW mode store the raw data from the camera's sensor.
The data close to the original can be edited as desired using the application software
compliant with the DNG fi le format.
The DNG file format, one of RAW file formats, is the standard file format advocated by Adobe
Systems Inc.
Types of Modes You Can Select
Symbol Mode Description
Normal Mode The compression ratio is high, resulting in a small file. Normally,
shooting is done in this mode.
Fine Mode The compression ratio is low, resulting in a large file, but the picture
quality is better than in Normal Mode.
RAW Mode Raw data of shot images is saved as RAW files (.DNG files). JPEG
files (Fine mode) converted from RAW files are also recorded.
Generally, the shot images are compressed in the camera to be
saved as JPEG files.
The image quality of JPEG files degrades due to compression
although their file size is small.
RAW files are saved as raw data without being processed in the
camera. You can edit RAW files as desired using image processing
software without degrading the initial image quality of the shot