Paper handling4
Paper input sources (std / max)
Paper output destinations (std / max)
Input capacity (std/max) Standard input Optional input
Output capacity (std/max) Optional input devices
Standard output
Optional output
Optional output devices
Envelope capacity
Standard datastreams
Application solutions
600 sheets/3,100 sheets
600 sheets
A maximum of three additional drawers:
250 sheets/900 sheets
A maximum of three additional drawers:
—Envelope drawer
—Outdoor media drawer
—Banner tray
Up to 900 sheets
Up to 900 sheets
A maximum of one of the following:
Optional StapleSmart finisher:
—Stapling, offsetting, and 1 additional output bin
—Up to 500 sheets of unstapled media
—Up to 15 stapled sets (350 sheets, 25 sheets per set)
—Five output destinations (100 sheets per bin) Output expander
—1 additional output bin (650 sheets)
Multipurpose feeder (10 envelopes 20 lb., 75 g/m2)
Optional envelope drawer (60 envelopes 20 lb., 75 g/m2)
PostScript 3 emulation, PCL 6 emulation, PDF 1.5, PPDS migration tool
IPDS card, bar code card. (Application solution cards such as IPDS feature, Barcode fonts or decryption cards may not be compatible with the M40 MFP Option. Please consult your InfoPrint Solutions Company representative.)