Error Condition
When Error Condition On is set, the cashier can push the Sound button to clear errors (visuals, beeps, and notifica- tions). When Error Condition Off is set, visible and audible error conditions remain. Default = Error Condition On.
Error Condition Off
* Error Condition On
Image Capture Button
Customer Imager Control
When Customer Imager Control is set to On, the cashier can push the Image Capture button once to scan a bar code using a
Customer Imager Control
* Customer Imager Control
Cashier Imager
When Cashier Imager On is set, the cashier can use the Image Capture button to take a picture of an item on the scanner. To take an image, first plug a FAT32 formatted flash drive into any USB port on the scanner. Then press the Image Capture button for 2 to 3 seconds. The image of the item on the scanner is saved to the flash drive in bitmap format.
When Cashier Imager Off is set, the Image Capture button cannot be used to take a picture with the scanner. Default = Cashier Imager On.
Cashier Imager Off
* Cashier Imager On
JPEG Image Quality
This selection sets the desired JPEG image quality for captured images. Higher numbers result in higher quality, but larger files. Smaller numbers result in greater amounts of lossy compression, faster transmission times, lower quality, but smaller files. After scanning the JPEG Image Quality bar code, set the quality (from
4 - 7