* Off
NCR NOF (Not-on-File) Number of Beeps
When using NCR NOF
NCR Number of Beeps
Do Not Wait for NCR Weight
A get weight command waits until either a weight is ready or the command is canceled. If you do not want the scanner to wait for an answer, scan the Do Not Wait bar code. If you do want the scanner to wait, scan the Wait bar code. Default =
* Wait
Do Not Wait
NCR Weight Timeout
A get weight command waits until either a weight is ready or the command is canceled. If you wish to set a timeout for this wait time, scan the NCR Weight Timeout On bar code. You must then set the timeout using the Timeout bar code which follows. If you want to cancel the weight timeout, scan the NCR Weight Timeout Off bar code. Default = NCR Weight Tim-
eout Off.
* NCR Weight Timeout Off
NCR Weight Timeout On
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