RS232 Timeout
When using Flow Control with Timeout, you must program the length of the delay you want to wait for CTS from the host. Set the length (in milliseconds) for a timeout by scanning the bar code below, then setting the timeout (from
RS232 Timeout
Host Communications Timeout Beeper
If you wish to hear a razz tone or a beep when a communications timeout is reached, scan one of the following bar codes.
Default = Timeout Beeper Off.
* Timeout Beeper Off
Timeout Razz
Timeout Beep
Standard ASCII control characters can be used to tell the scanner to start sending data (XON/XOFF On) or to stop sending data (XON/XOFF Off). When the host sends the XOFF character (DC3, hex 13) to the scanner, data transmission stops. To resume transmission, the host sends the XON character (DC1, hex 11). Data transmission continues where it left off
when XOFF was sent. Default = XON/XOFF Off.
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