Aux Port Configuration Codes
Honeywell Scanner Aux Port Configuration
Scan the following bar code to configure the Stratos bioptic aux port to use a Honeywell auxiliary scanner.
Honeywell Aux Scanner
Note: See Auxiliary Honeywell Scanner Configuration Codes beginning on page
Datalogic™ Magellan® Aux Port Configuration
Scan the following bar code to configure the Stratos bioptic aux port to use an auxiliary scanner that has been used as an input to a Datalogic Magellan scanner.
Datalogic Magellan Aux Scanner
NCR Bioptic Aux Port Configuration
Scan the following bar code to configure the Stratos bioptic aux port to use an auxiliary scanner that has been used as an input to an NCR scanner.
NCR Aux Scanner
Wincor Nixdorf Beetle Aux Port Configuration
Scan the following bar code to configure the Stratos bioptic aux port to use an auxiliary scanner that has been used as an input to a Beetle terminal.
Wincor Nixdorf Beetle Aux Scanner
Good Read Beep - Aux Scanner
When reading a bar code with an auxiliary scanner, by default you will hear the good read beep from both the bioptic and the auxiliary scanner. You may wish to suppress the good read beep from the Stratos bioptic when a bar code is read with the aux- iliary scanner. Scan Good Read Beep - Aux Scanner to sound the good read beep from only the auxiliary scanner when the
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