Shift Lock is used when you normally have the Shift Lock key on (not common to U.S. keyboards).
Shift Lock
Automatic Caps Lock is used if you change the Caps Lock key on and off. The software tracks and reflects if you have Caps Lock on or off. This selection can only be used with systems that have an LED that notes the Caps Lock status (AT keyboards).
Automatic Caps Lock
Autocaps via NumLock bar code should be scanned in countries (e.g., Germany, France) where the Caps Lock key cannot be used to toggle Caps Lock. The NumLock option works similarly to the regular Autocaps, but uses the NumLock key to retrieve the current state of the Caps Lock.
Autocaps via NumLock
Emulate External Keyboard should be scanned if you do not have an external keyboard (IBM AT or equivalent).
Emulate External Keyboard
Note: After scanning the Emulate External Keyboard bar code, you must power cycle your computer.
Keyboard Conversion
Alphabetic keyboard characters can be forced to be all upper case or all lowercase. So if you have the following bar code: “abc569GK,” you can make the output “ABC569GK” by scanning Convert All Characters to Upper Case, or to “abc569gk” by scanning Convert All Characters to Lower Case.
These settings override Keyboard Style selections.
Note: If your interface is a keyboard wedge, first scan the menu code for Automatic Caps Lock (page
Default = Keyboard Conversion Off.
* Keyboard Conversion Off
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