Programming Chart inside the back cover of this manual. Then scan the Save bar code. Default = 0.

EAN/JAN-13 Redundancy

UPC/EAN Addenda Redundancy

This programs the number of redundant scans required of a 2 or 5-digit addendum before it is attached to the UPC or EAN bar code and submitted. To adjust the redundancy, scan the Redundancy bar code below for the 2 or 5-digit addenda you want to adjust, then scan a redundancy count between 0 and 10 on the Programming Chart inside the back cover of this

manual. Then scan the Save bar code. Default = 2 for 2-Digit Addenda, 1 for 5-Digit Addenda.

2-Digit Addenda


5-Digit Addenda


ISBN Translate

When On is scanned, EAN-13 Bookland symbols are translated into their equivalent ISBN number format. Default = Off.


* Off

Convert ISBN to 13-Digit

When translating EAN-13 codes to the ISBN format, you can convert the bar code to a 13 digit format by scanning the

Convert to 13-Digit On bar code below. Default = Convert to 13-Digit Off.

Convert to 13-Digit On

9 - 48

Page 178
Image 178
Honeywell 2700 manual Isbn Translate, Convert Isbn to 13-Digit