Error Text | Description | What to do |
LASER_4_ERROR | The horizontal right laser has failed. | You can continue to scan with the |
| remaining lasers. Call for service. See |
| Customer Support on page |
LASER_4_WARNING | Warning that the horizontal right laser may | Call for service. See Customer Support |
| soon fail. | on page |
MOTOR_1_ERROR | The laser | Call for service. See Customer Support |
| major failure. | on page |
MOTOR_1_WARNING | Warning that he laser | Call for service. See Customer Support |
| fail. | on page |
PROGRAM_ERROR_ | The bioptic firmware has failed. | Call for service. See Customer Support |
| on page |
RAM_ERROR | The scanner's memory has failed. | Try a reboot. Otherwise, call for service. |
| See Customer Support on page |
ROM_ERROR | The scanner's ROM is faulty. | Return the unit for repair. Call for |
| service. See Customer Support on |
| page |
SCALE_CAL_REJECT | The scale has rejected the calibration | Make sure the calibration switch has |
| command. | been depressed and that you are using |
| the correct calibration command for the |
| current scale range. Otherwise, call for |
| service. See Customer Support on |
| page |
SCALE_CALIBRATE_ | The scale is refusing to save the weight | Make sure you are following the |
ERROR | parameters in a calibration step. | procedures exactly and that the weights |
| used for each step are correct. |
| Otherwise, call for service. See |
| Customer Support on page |
SCALE_COMM_ERROR | The cables between the scale and the | Check the cables between the scanner |
| scanner have failed. | and the scale and reboot. Call for |
| service. See Customer Support on |
| page |
SCALE_COMMAND_ | The scale has a NAK response to a scanner | Contact the scale provider for service. |
REJECT | request. |
SCALE_CONF_REJECT | The scale refuses to accept the data | Make sure the configuration parameter |
| presented as a configuration parameter. | does not need the calibration switch |
| activated in order to accept the new |
| value. Otherwise, call for service. See |
| Customer Support on page |
SCALE_DATA_FORMAT | The scanner does not recognize scale data. | Adjust the communication parameters |
| so the scanner and scale match. |
SCALE_EEPROM_ | The scale is indicating a configuration | Contact the scale provider for service. |
ERROR | memory problem. |
SCALE_INIT_ZERO_ | The scale did not return to zero when | Make sure the platter is present and |
ERR | booting up. | properly seated. Make sure no items |
| are on the platter. Reboot. Call for |
| service. |
SCALE_INVALID_ | There is a protocol communication error | Adjust the communication parameters |
RESPONSE | between the scale and the scanner. | so the scanner and scale match. |
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