5 - 3

bar code is read with the aux scanner. Scan Good Read Beep - Bioptic and Aux Scanner to sound the good read beep from
both the Stratos bioptic and the auxiliary scanner when the bar code is read with the aux scanner. Default = Good Read Beep -
Bioptic and Aux Scanner.
Note: Also see Good Read Indicators (page 4-8).

Aux Scanner D/E Commands

Scan the Use D/E Commands bar code to allow the Stratos bioptic to control the auxiliary scanner with the use of disable/
enable (D/E) single character commands. Scan the Do Not Use D/E Commands bar code if you do not want to use this fea-
ture. Default = Do Not Use D/E Commands.

Reread Delay Override

* Good Read Beep - Bioptic and
Aux Scanner
Good Read Beep - Aux Scanner
Use D/E Commands
* Do Not Use D/E Commands
* Reread Delay from Aux
Reread Delay from Bioptic