Changing the Camera Settings
Address Book Settings...........62
Displaying the Address Book .......62
Entering a New Address ..............63
Editing an Address....................... 64
Deleting an Address..................... 65
Saving the Address Book in the
PC ................................................65
Sending the Address Book
Stored in the PC to the Camera... 66
User Information Settings ......68
Modem Settings ......................70
E-Mail Settings ........................72
Template Settings ...................74
Displaying the Templates............. 74
Creating a New Template ............75
Editing a Template .......................76
Deleting a Template..................... 77
Web Settings ...........................78
Dial-Up Account Settings....... 80
Displaying the Dial-Up Accounts.. 80
Entering a New Dial-Up Account..81
Editing a Dial-Up Account ............82
Deleting a Dial-Up Account.......... 83
Direct Upload Settings............84
Displaying the Direct Upload
Dial-Up Accounts .........................84
Selecting a Direct Upload
Dial-Up Account ...........................85
Setting the Send-To Folder
Name and Server......................... 86
Quick Send Settings.............. 87
Displaying the Quick Send
Dial-Up Accounts .........................87
Selecting a Quick Send Dial-Up
Account ........................................88
Selecting a Quick Send Send-To
Account ........................................89
Selecting the Size of the Image
to be Sent by Quick Send ............90
Setting FTP Upload................. 91
Displaying the FTP Upload
Dial-Up Accounts .........................91
Selecting an FTP Upload Dial-Up
Account ........................................92
Setting a Server for FTP Upload.. 93
Making a Backup/Restoring
the Camera Settings ...............94
Saving the Camera Settings
in the PC ......................................94
Restoring the Backup Settings
to the Camera ..............................95