VIRTUAL REALITY SOU ND LABS® prod ucts are design ed and manufact ured to provide a h igh level of troub le-
free performanc e. VIRTUAL RE ALITY SOUND LABS® warr ants, to the original purc haser, that its products a re
free from d efects in material and workman ship for 30 days from the date of original purchase. As part of our
commitment to p roduct excelle nce. VI RTUAL REALIT Y SOUND LABS® and /or it’s afl iates routine ly improve
the designs, mate rials or p roduction meth ods of its existing prod ucts. Becaus e it is imp ractical to publicize all
changes in every product , we reserve the right to m ake such changes with out notice.
If during the 30 day warr anty per iod your new pro duct is found to be defective, VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND
LABS® will repair su ch defect, or rep lace the produc t, without charge for parts or la bor subject to th e following
All repairs must be perf ormed by VIRTUAL REA LITY SOUND LABS ® and/or its afliate s in Eatontown, New Jersey.
The equipment must not have been alte red or be en damaged through ne gligence, acc ident, or improper op era-
The replacement of par ts are exempted fro m this warranty wh en replace ment is necessary due to normal we ar and
4. All warranty claims mus t be accompanied by a copy o f the sales receipt or b ill of sale.
5. Repair or replacement parts su pplied by VIRTUAL REALIT Y SOUND LABS® under this war ranty are protected
only for the unexpired por tion of the original war ranty.
6. In the case of car stere os, this war ranty does not extend to the eliminati on of car s tatic or moto r noise; cor-
rection of ante nna problem s; costs in curred for the removal or reins tallation of the produ ct; damage to tapes,
speakers, accessori es or car electrica l systems.
7. VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LABS ® will not be responsib le for any charge incur red for installati on.
VIRTUAL REALIT Y SOUND LABS® will make every effort to provid e warrant y servic e within a reaso nable per iod of
OBTAINING SERVICE, PLEASE CALL TOL L FREE 1-800-445-1797, 8:30am - 4:30pm EST.
In order to provide you with the pro per warranty ser vice, we request tha t you adhere to the followin g procedure:
1. Include a copy of your sales recei pt or bill of sale with your u nit when it is returned f or warranty serv ice.
2. If it is necessar y to return your pro duct for servi ce, please retur n it securely pa cked, preferably in the original
shipping carton, a nd freight and insurance pr epaid to the fol lowing address: VIRTUAL REALIT Y SOUND LA BS,
Service Departmen t, 41 James Way, Eatontown, New Jersey 07724.
3. Please include a detaile d explanation of the pro blem you are having.
4. If your produc t is found by VIRTUAL RE ALITY SOUND LABS® to have a defec t in material or workman ship,
within the warranty pe riod, it will be r epaired or repl aced at no charge and returned to yo u prepaid. Whe re per-
mitted by Iaw VIRT UAL REALITY SOUND LABS ® liability shall be limi ted to that s et forth in this warrant y. This
warranty shall be the exclus ive remedy of the purcha ser.
VIRTUAL REALITY SOUN D LABS® makes no other warranty of any ki nd, expressed or implied; and all
implied warranties, are hereby disclaimed by VIRTUAL REALI TY SOUND LABS® and excluded from this warranty.
VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LA BS® and/or its afliates , the manufacturer, distrib utor and seller shall not be lia ble
for any injury, loss or damage, i ncidental or conse quential, arisin g out of the use or intende d use of the product.
Limited Warranty