TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S |
Introduction | 1 |
Punch | 1 |
Rockford Fosgate Accessories | 2 |
Technical Design Features | 3 |
Design Features | 6 |
Installation Considerations | 8 |
Mounting Location | 9 |
Battery and Charging | 10 |
Wiring the System | 10 |
Using the XCard | 13 |
Using the Signal Input Switch | 14 |
Basic Connections | 15 |
System Diagrams | 22 |
Troubleshooting | 26 |
Dynamic Power Measurements | 29 |
160x4 Specifications | 31 |
240x4 Specifications | 32 |
Warranty Information | 33 |
G E T T I N G S T A R T E D |
Welcome to Rockford Fosgate! This manual is designed to provide information for the owner, salesperson and installer. For those of you who want quick information on how to install this product, please turn to the Basic Connections in the Installation section of this manual. Other information can be located by using the Table of Contents. We, at Rockford Fosgate, have worked very hard to make sure all the information in this manual is current. But, as we are constantly finding new ways to improve our product, this information is subject to change without notice.