
Set the cutting speed. Usually setting a lower speed will result in longer cut times, but will produce higher quality results.


This sets the cutting pressure.

For more information about settings for cutting, go to the PC-12 User's Manual, and in "Part 3 Getting Ready," refer to "3.4 Installing and Adjusting the Blade."


This adjusts the amount of feed for cutting. The amount of adjustment when set at the maximum value of 50 is approximately 1.5%.


This adjusts the cutting position in the vertical direction. The amount of adjustment when set at the maximum value of 50 is approximately 3mm(1/8 in.).


This adjusts the cutting position in the vertical direction. The amount of adjustment when set at the maximum value of 50 is approximately 3mm(1/8 in.).

For more information about Cutting Feed, Cutting X Position, and Cutting Y Position, go to the PC-12 User's Manual, and in "Part 5 Many Kinds of Printing and Settings," under "5.2 Driver Settings," refer to "Adjusting a [Media Type] Item."


This restores values to their defaults.

The Color Tab

The Color tab displays settings associated with the color quality of the image. Using the sliders on the tab, you can adjust the image quality. The sliders that appear vary, depending on which color mode is selected on the Print tab. In all modes, you can adjust the overall image contrast using the Contrast slider.