

You may change the number of copies of the job to be output.


You may change the spacing between the copies that are output.

Output at origin- Select this option to output the job at the machine’s origin on the edge of the media.


Output at origin

Select this option to output the job at the machine’s origin on the edge of the media.

Output in center

Select this option to output a job in the center of the media.

Output in the center of media

Select this option to output the job in the center of a sheet of media.

Offset W

Select this option to set an offset distance from the machine’s origin.

Offset H

Select this option to set an offset from the leading edge of the media.

Horizontal Mirror

Click to mirror the job horizontally.


Click to rotate the job 90 degrees.

After Output

Choose what to do with the job after it is done processing, either Hold or Delete.


If you have a device which prints and cuts, you can specify to send the print and the contour, the print only, or the contour only.

Job Properties Print Tab

For more information on Print Tab options, refer to the Print Tab section in Setup Properties section of this manual.

The Color Tab

For more information on Color Tab options, refer to the Color Tab section in Color Tab section of this manual.