This command is used to exit the configuration menu and return the unit to normal (data
transfer) mode. Enter X to the choice prompt. A termination message will print, and the
BUSY, DATA, and MODE LEDs will return to the state they were in before entry to
configuration mode. The unit is then ready to accept data.
Enter choice (P.T,F,I,D,A,K.X, or H for help) X<ENTER>
Configuration terminated
Help (Main Menu)
This option gives a brief description of what each command does.
Enter choice (P,T,F,I.D.A.K,X, or H for help) H<ENTER>
The configuration menu shows the amount of memory installed, other various settings,
and the current and power-on protocol settings for each port. Configure the Caretaker
Plus by entering the letter of an item on the menu.
P-PROTOCOL The protocol...
T-TIMEOUT After this ...
F-FORMFEED Sends a ...
I-INIT STRING Sent out ...
D-FRONT SWITCHES To disable/enable ...
A-ADV. FEATURES Calls up...
K-SAVE CHANGES Puts current ...
X-EXIT Exit from ...
H-HELP Displays ...
Hit enter key to see configuration parameters or enter choice
Advanced Features
This command is used to call another menu with a list of 5 commands that are detailed
below. Enter A to choice prompt. Another menu will print.
Enter choice (P.T.F.I,D,A.K.X, or H for help) A<ENTER>
Unidirectional X-on/X-off
This command (on the advanced features menu) determines whether X-onlX-off are
interpreted as data flow control characters or simply as data. This command is
applicable only on the Caretaker Plus serial ports which are configured to use the X-
on/X-off software handshaking protocol. When this feature is enabled, all X-on/X-off
characters received on any port are interpreted as data flow control characters and are
not transmitted to their destination port. When this feature is disabled, X-on/X-off
characters received on port O will be used as data flow control characters; however, X-
on/X-off characters received on ports 1-8 will be interpreted as data and passed through
to port 0 for transmission. This is useful when plotting or printing graphics that contain X-
on/X-off characters as part of the graphics data. The factory default is enabled. To
change this feature, enter U to the choice prompt and answer Y or N to enable or
disable the
unidirectional X-on/X-off.
Enter choice (U.R.A.F,X. or H for help) U<ENTER>
Use unidirectional X-on/X-off (Y/N)? Y<ENTER>