Alwaysweigh yourself on the same scale placed on the same floor surface.
Donot compare weight readings from one scale to another as some differences will exist due
tomanufacturing tolerances.
Placingyour scale on a hard, even floor will ensure the greatest accuracy and repeatability.
Weighyourself at the same time each day,before meals and without footwear.
Firstthing in the morning is a good time .
Yourscale rounds up or down to the nearest increment.If you weigh yourself twice and get
twodifferent readings, your weight lies between the two.
Cleanyour scale with a damp cloth. Do not use chemical cleaning agents.
Donot allow your scale to become saturated with water as this can damage the electronics.
Treatyour scale with care - it is a precision instrument.Do not drop it or jump on it.
Ifyou experience any difficulty in the use of your scale:
Checkthe batter y is correctlyfitted.
Checkthat you have selected your preference of stones/pounds, kilograms or pounds.
Checkthat the scale is on a flat, level floor and not touching against a wall.
Ifwhen you use the scale there is no display at all or if ‘Lo’ is displayed - try a new battery.
If‘Err’ is displayed the scale has been overloaded.
Thisproduct is intended for domestic use only. Salter will repair or replace the product,or any part of
thisproduct, (excluding batteries) free of charge if within 15 years of the date of purchase, it can be
shownto have failed through defective workmanship or materials.This guarantee covers working parts
thataffect the function of the scale .It does not cover cosmetic deterioration caused by fair wear and
tearor damage caused by accident or misuse .Opening or taking apart the scale or its components
willvoid the guarantee. Claims under guarantee must be supported by proof of purchase and be
returnedcarriage paid to Salter (or local Salter appointed agent if outside the UK). Care should be
takenin packing the scale so that it is not damaged while in transit. This undertaking is in addition to a
consumer'sstatutor y rights and does not affect those rights in anyway. For UK Sales and Service
contactHoMedics GroupLtd, PO Box 460,Tonbridge,Kent,TN9 9EW,UK.Helpline Tel No: (01732)
360783.Outside the UK contact your local Salter appointed agent.
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