This order form replaces the one included in the manual. Please use this updated
form for when ordering nameplates.
Ordering a Custom Nameplate
Thank you for purchasing the
SAMSON PowerBrite™
PowerBrite™ | PB9 |
15 A M P
Get Your
Nameplate Customized!
Illuminate any image that will fit within the available
Personalize your front nameplate
by following the instructions:
4 1/8" |
4 1/2" |
3/4" 7/8"
Please choose one of the following options:
1.Send us a clear copy of your logo sized to 41⁄8 wide x 3⁄4 high.
The logo should be high contrast, i.e. black on white. It should be in good
2.Logos created on computer can be sent as an email attachment (pblogo@samsontech.com) or on a 31⁄2” floppy,
Zip™ disk or CD mailed in a padded envelope in the following formats: BMP, EPS, PICT, TIFF, Illustrator® and Photoshop®.
3.Scanned images on disk must have a minimum resolution of 300 D.P.I.
4.Any Name that fits easily in the space above (if you don’t have a logo, we can use your name).
All orders must be accompanied by check or money order payable to: Samson Technologies
for: $8.75 within the United States $10.75 outside the United States $4.95 each additional logo
(prices include shipping and handling)
Allow |
| P. O . B ox 9 0 3 1 | |||||||
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| S yo s s e t , N Y 1 1 7 9 1 | ||||||||
Prices are subject to change without notice. |
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| P h o n e : ( 5 1 6 ) 3 6 4 - 2 2 4 4 | ||||||||
Please call with any formatting questions. |
| e m a i l : p bl o g o @ s a m s o n t e c h . c o m | |||||||
| PowerBrite™ Nameplate Order Form |
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PowerBrite Logo/Name: |
| Logos @ | $10.75 |
| |||
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Company Name: |
| |||||||
| Logos @ | $8.75 |
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Owner/Manager Name: |
| ||||||
| Copies @ | $4.95 |
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Address: |
| |||||
| Sub total | $ |
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| Sales Tax |
| |
Tel: | Fax: |
| (NY & FL only) | |||||||
| Total | $ |
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