Accessing Bookmarks and History

Launch a bookmarked page or reload recent pages.

1.From the Home screen, touch Browser.

2.Touch Bookmarks and History.

3.On the Bookmarks tab, use these options:

Touch a bookmark to load the page.

Touch and hold on a bookmark for these options:

Open: Open the bookmarked page.

Open in new tab: Open the linked page in a new window.

Edit bookmark: Make changes to the bookmark description.

Add shortcut to home: Create a bookmark on the Home screen.

Share link: Use Bluetooth, Email, or Gmail to send the link.

Copy link URL: Save the link’s URL to the clipboard.

Delete bookmark: Remove the bookmark.

Set as homepage: Assign the bookmarked link as the home page.

4.On the History tab, touch Most visited, Today, Yesterday, or

Last 7 days to use these options:

Touch a page to reload it.

Touch the next to a page to bookmark it.

Touch and hold on a page for these options:

Open: Open the webpage.

Open in new tab: Launch the webpage in a new window.

Add to bookmarks/Delete bookmark: Bookmark the page or remove the bookmark for this page.

Share link: Use Bluetooth, Email, or Gmail to send the link.

Copy link URL: Save the link’s URL to the clipboard.

Remove from history: Remove the record of this page.

Set as homepage: Assign the bookmarked link as the home page.

Browser Menu

While viewing a webpage, touch Menu for options:

New tab: Open the webpage in a new window, under a new tab.

New incognito tab: Open the webpage in a new window, under a new tab, and the pages you view in the new window will not appear in your browser history or search history. See the on-screen explanation of going incognito.

Find on page: Search for content on the current page.

Share page: Use Bluetooth, Email, or Gmail to send the webpage URL.

Save page: Save this page. For more information, refer to

“Downloads” on page 111.

Page info: View information about the current page, including the URL.

Downloads: View and manage recent downloads.

Print: Print the current page to a Samsung printer. Your device is compatible only with some Samsung printers.

Settings: Customize the Browser by using the following options:


Set homepage: View and set the default first page that displays when you launch the Browser.

Web and Social Networking


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Samsung 8.9 user manual Touch Bookmarks and History, Browser Menu, General