developed by Samsung Electronics in associat ion with Korea El ectronics & Telecommuni cations
Research Institute (ETRI).
This is only available f or Samsung mon itors and ensures tha t the color of the i mages on the monitor
are the same as the printed or scanned images.
For more information, refer to Help (F1) in the software program.
the Natural Color Software
Insert the CD include d with the Samsung monitor into the CD -ROM Drive. The i nitial Natural Color
screen will appear. Click on Natural Color in the startup window to install the Natural Color software.
To install the program manually, insert the CD included with the Samsung mon itor into the CD-ROM
Drive, click the Windows [Start ] button, select [Run. ..] .
Enter D:\color\NCProSetup.exe and then press the <Enter > key.
(If the drive where the CD is inserted is not D:\, enter the applicable drive.)
the Natural Color Software Pro
Select "Settings" / "Control Panel" from the "Start " menu a nd then double-click "Add/Delete a
Select Natural Color from the list and then click the "Add/Delete" button.
Ov erview | Installatio n | OSD Mode | Colo r Calibr ation | Un instal l | Troubleshooting
What is Ma
Monitor performance can v ary due to the graphics card, host computer lighting c onditions and other
environmental factors. In order to get the be st image on a monitor requires you to adjust it for your unique
setting. Unfortunately, the manual controls available to tune the image often prove to be challenging.
Proper adjustment (tuning) requires an easy to use program that goes throu gh a step-by-step process to
obtain the best overall picture quality.
In most cases even simple adjustments to Brightness, or Contrast require navi gation of the multi-level, on-
screen display (OSD) menus that are not easy to understand. Furthermo re, there is no feedback to assist
in correctly setting the controls of the monitor. MagicTune™ is a software utility that guides you through
the tuning process with easy to understand instructions and back groun d patterns designed for each
monitor control.
Basic Functionality
MagicTune™ is a software utility that allows monitor adjustment and color tuning using the Display Data
Channel Command Interface (DDC/CI) protocol. All adjustmen ts to the display are controlled via software
to eliminate the need to use the monitor on-screen display (OSD).
MagicTune™ supports W indows™ 2000, XP Home, and XP Professional.
It is recommended using MagicTune™ in Windows™ 2000 or later.
MagicTune™ allows for quick accurate tuning of the display with the ability to easily save and use monitor
configurations that are best suited for you.
OSD Mode