The number of horizontal and vertical dots used to compose the screen image is called the
'resolution'. This number shows the accuracy of the display. A high resolution is good for perform ing
multiple tasks as more image information can be shown on the screen.
Example :If the resolution is 1280 x 1024 , this means the screen is composed of 1280
horizontal dots (horizontal resolution) and 1024 vertical lines (vertical resolu tion).
For Better Dis
Adjust computer resolution and screen injection rate (refresh rate) oncompu ter as described below to
enjoy the best quality of picture. You can have an uneven quality of picture in the screen if the best
quality of picture is not provided in TFT-LCD.
Resolution : 1280 x 10 24
Vertical frequency (refresh rate) : 60 Hz
TFT LCD panel manufactured by using a dvanced semiconduc tor technology with pre cision of 1ppm
(one millionth) above is used for this produc t. But the pixels of RED, GREEN, B LUE and WHITE color
seem to be bright sometimes or some of black pixels coul d be seen.
This is not from bad quality and you can use it without uneasiness.
For example, the number of TFT LCD su b pixels that is contained in this product are 3,932,160.
When cleaning the mo nitor and the pane l outside, please appl y the recommended small amount of
cleaner by using a sof t cloth to polish. D o not force the LCD area but ru b softly.
If excessive force is app lied, you can have a stain on it .
If you are not satisfi ed with the picture qua lity, you can ge t better quality of pict ure by performing the
"auto adjustment function" in display screen that is appeared as window term ination button is
If there's still noise aft er the automatic adj ustment, use the FIN E/COARSE adjustment function.
When viewing a fixed screen for an ext ended period of time, a residual image or blurriness may
Change the mode to energy save or set a screensaver to move the picture when you need to be
away from the monitor for an extended period of time.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
2007 Samsun
Electronics Co., Ltd. All ri
hts reserve d.
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Ltd. is strictly forbidden.
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Samsung is the registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; Micr osoft, Windows and
Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation ; VESA, DPMS and DDC are
registered trademarks of Video Electronics Standard Associat ion; the ENERGY STAR® name and
logo are registered tradem arks of the U.S. Environmental Protect ion Agency (EPA). As an ENERGY
STAR® Partner, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. has determined that this product meets the ENERGY
STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. All other product names m entioned herein may be the
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner s.